Just as the owner of a house enhances the value of his property before listing, the entrepreneur must improve the value of his company before putting it up for sale. The CSI Value-Added Analysis Module approach unmask the company’s hidden potential to increase its transaction value.

“Selling your business at the best possible price can take years of preparation,” says the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC). The sale must culminate in a carefully deployed plan; the first step is a thorough and systematic diagnosis conducted by an independent consultant.

The CSI Value-Added Analysis© Module provides a 360° overview of the company and its ecosystem. The result is an accurate picture of the perceptions of the four key stakeholder groups: customers, suppliers, employees and management


Based on this image, the CSI Value-Added Analysis© module produces precise metrics of a company’s strengths and weaknesses within its ecosystem. This diagnosis is a process that consists of discovering the root causes of problems to identify appropriate solutions before the company is sold.

The CSI survey should be repeated at least twice, at 6 to 12 months. This is because maximizing the sale of a business is a process that needs to be spread over a few measurement points to realize the full potential of the transaction.


The CSI Value-Added Analysis© survey must be administered by an independent third party. Stakeholders have tendency to evaluate based on the EBITDA, or earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization, is a measure of a company’s overall financial performance and is used as an alternative to net income in some circumstances. EBITDA, however, can be misleading because it does not reflect the cost of a capital investments, like property, plants, equipment. It doesn’t also consider other very important asset of the company like:


The ROI for applying the CSI Value-Added Analysis is unprecedented.

The financial benefits of this preparation module are:

  • Define the most substantial arguments to potential buyers
  • Instill employee engagement and preparation
  • Create customer loyalty/retention
  • Give a supplier support perspective
  • Reflect brand value
  • Increase goodwill
  • Provide innovation orientation
  • Display agility/adaptability to change
  • Achieve a degree of stakeholder engagement
  • Increase management effectiveness
  • Promote unity between management and staff
  • Ensure alignment between internal and external stakeholders
  • Foster corporate culture


Organizations focused on operational capabilities deliver a significantly higher return on equity than any other growth strategy.

This fact has been confirmed by a recent research initiative undertaken by PwC (Price Waterhouse Coopers) on 540 companies – see article below.

After analyzing 540 deals in nine industries announced between 2001 and 2012, we found that the premium for capacity-driven sales adds 14 percentage points to shareholder returns over two years compared to public company deals based on other rationales.

CSI’s Business MRI approach goes beyond the company’s financial balance sheet, it looks at the state of its operational performance indicators, and provided to you with an interactive dashboard.