The key to success is the alignment of perceptions scores  (Company Skills Indexes)

Key stakeholders’ “perceptions scores” must be aligned in a successful business. For example, disparate perceptions are invariably a sign of organizational inefficiency and dissatisfaction among employees, managers, suppliers, and customers. Conversely, when highly consistent perceptions, the organization’s value is maximized.


The great strength of CSI D&A is its ability to provide users with a precise tool to identify the nature of the difficulties faced by the companies diagnosed and to delineate the boundaries carefully.

Related to the 15 core capabilities, when the “perceptions index” of the business MRI are disparate, we are dealing with a fragile operation or underperforming, even if some indicators are very positive.

Example of a company minimizing alignment gaps

ABC COMPANY 2012 – scored 6.7

ABC COMPANY 2015 – scored 7.7

In this case, several scenarios are possible:

  • – First, if the internal respondents (employees and managers) have a relatively harsh perception, this may mean that their expectations of themself are high. A successful company is in tune with its ecosystem, producing less bad vibes and irritation. The perception gaps on 15 essential capabilities are minimum and clustered across all groups of respondents, like the “Customer Value” Index with a disparity of 0.7 or 7%. Also, “Redesigning Structure” with 0.9 or 9%.

  • – Quite different would be the scenario where external respondents (customers and suppliers) would have a negative perception of the company, while internal responders (especially “managers”) would statistically show their contentment. Although unfortunately not so rare to encounter this extreme situation, we are dealing with an unhealthy company. In such cases, the data indicates that the company is further hampering its ability to innovate and grow financially. We have noticed that managers find it very difficult to accept this fact, which is beneficial. See “Cost Management” indexes with a disparity of 2.4 or 24% index between the four groups of the company’s ecosystem.

In this kind of scenario, both managers and employees need to listen and realize the fundamental perceptions of suppliers and customers.

However, with experiences, the impact of this kind of realization always takes time, but the benefits will come.

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